TresVista | Leading Financial Service Provider

How we helped a Corporate FP&A client to create an M&A Integration Playbook to monitor integration process

The Context

The client, a Corporate FP&A, wanted the TresVista team to create an M&A integration playbook that would serve as a guide for integration team members and provide them with a framework and a range of resources to use for planning and carrying out the integration process. Furthermore, the client also wanted the team to design a dashboard to monitor and evaluate the progress and identify any areas that need additional attention or resources.

The Objective

To build an M&A integration playbook that outlines the steps and processes involved in the integration process.

The Approach

The TresVista team followed the following process:
• Created a detailed integration roadmap that included the main tasks, due dates, and dependencies for each functional area involved in the process
• Determined the tasks, roles, and responsibilities for each functional area including People, Finance, IT, GTM, Legal, and other areas
• Created a set of functional area-specific activities for each team
• Incorporated the timeline component in the playbook and set milestones for each functional area
• Standardized playbook for every deal

The Challenges We Overcame

The major hurdles faced by the TresVista team were:
• Complex and limited availability of information for each workstream
• Coordination with the functional team to create a holistic integration plan
• Technical difficulties because of different applications used by the team and the client
The team overcame these hurdles by creating the activities from scratch, taking into consideration the requirements and objectives of the client. This helped the team to make sure that the playbook’s activities were applicable and relevant. The team had in-depth conversations with the client to ascertain what was expected of each function and what was needed. The client was kept informed at every phase of the project. This included sharing WIP versions and providing regular updates on the progress. By soliciting feedback regularly, the team was able to ensure that the final product was aligned with the client’s goals and objectives.

Final Product


The Value Add – Catalyzing the Client’s Impact

The TresVista team identified areas where the process could be streamlined to save time and resources. The team also provided the client with a customizable template that included a risk mitigation dashboard. The team built a cultural assessment tool that visually represented the gaps in the culture of the integrating company. This tool allowed the client to anticipate probable cultural conflicts and create proactive response plans.