ARM Worldwide
How we helped a Private Debt client to track and monitor the health of each of its portfolio companies
The Context The client, a Private Debt firm wanted the TresVista team to track and
ARM Worldwide
How we helped a Family Office client to build a template and analyze past and current sales data based on different identifiable metrics
The Context The client, a Family Office firm wanted the TresVista team to analyze the
ARM Worldwide
How we helped a Wealth Manager analyze and research uncorrelated assets
The Context The client, a Wealth Manager, based out of the U.S., wanted to build
ARM Worldwide
How we helped a Private Credit client to create a list of potential refinancing targets by analyzing portfolio companies of a BDC
The Context The client, a Private Credit firm wanted the TresVista team to search for
ARM Worldwide
How we assisted a Secondary Private Equity firm in creating a performance tracker for publicly listed asset managers
The Context The client, a Secondary Private Equity firm, wanted to benchmark themselves against the
ARM Worldwide
How we helped a Real Estate firm identify potential Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for Real-Estate development
The Context The client, a Real-Estate firm, wanted the TresVista Team to identify potential Requests
ARM Worldwide
How we helped a Hedge Fund in analyzing the overall sentiment of the market by studying a particular statement provided
The Context The client, a Hedge Fund, asked the TresVista team to assess the market
ARM Worldwide
How we helped a Financial Database client to create Historical Financial Models for Public and Private Companies
The Context The client, a Financial Database firm, asked the TresVista team to prepare create
ARM Worldwide
How we helped a public equity firm build an automated dataset for active securities using Cap IQ screens
The Context The client, a Public Equity firm, wanted the TresVista team to create a
ARM Worldwide
How TresVista conducted an exercise to map out all relevant contacts for existing TresVista clients
The Context The purpose of the internal project was to provide a comprehensive database for
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